Explore Vancouver’s rich history through a variety of mediums. VHF has compiled a list of resources that can be used as a starting point for learning more about the historical context of our city’s heritage buildings and sites. Read about the multicultural history of early residents, learn traditional place names for familiar sites, browse the archives for historical photos, or tour the city’s past by foot or mouse click. You can also explore VHF’s own online resources including Heritage Organizations and Heritage Study Guide for Schools web pages.
Historical Chronologies & Narratives
Historical Blogs
MORE RESOURCES can be found at the Vancouver Public Library. You can search for books through the VPL catalogue or use their handy Subject Guides which suggest books based on the subject you are interested in. VHF also offers a selection of books and resources about Vancouver’s history. Check out VHF’s Reading Room.
Guided Tours
For more heritage experiences and a list of museums, visit BC Road Trip Time Machine or Hello BC.
Interested in researching the history of a specific heritage building? See our guide to Researching Heritage Buildings. VHF also offers regular workshops and talks about researching heritage buildings.
For more on heritage organizations in Vancouver and heritage conservation, visit our Heritage Organization Links page.