The City of Vancouver is located on the unceded, ancestral and traditional territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlil̓wətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples. Indigenous communities have lived here since time immemorial and have a long-established history of settlement, stewardship of the land and harvesting of resources.
Many of the following resources have been created by local Indigenous communities and include interactive maps, videos and teaching materials. They are shared here as a starting point for learning about the history and cultural heritage of the communities, including heritage places, and are only a selection of the many resources available.
Indigenous cultural heritage has often not been well-represented to date in formal recognitions of heritage places and history in Vancouver, such as the Vancouver Heritage Register. We encourage you to explore the resources below to begin to learn about local heritage places and cultural heritage of Indigenous communities in Vancouver.
British Columbia is home to 204 First Nations communities and an amazing diversity of Indigenous languages. Learn more about these communities with the First Peoples’ Map of B.C. An educational resource created by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council, it is intended for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to learn about and explore the history of First Nations culture using this interactive map highlighting Indigenous arts, language and culture throughout the province. If you would like to know more about Indigenous place names across Canada, visit Stories from the Land.
The land that is now known as the City of Vancouver is home to many Indigenous peoples and is the traditional territory of three nations – the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlil̓wətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples.
VHF and Musqueam have offered a variety of public programs related to the Places That Matter project. A pilot Musqueam Bus Tour of Vancouver in 2013 offered three tours with stops around the city at the Musqueam Reserve, UBC, Stanley Park and Spanish Banks. VHF continues to collaborate with the Musqueam Archives and Musqueam Department of Language and Culture.
Over the course of five years, members of the Musqueam community selected five sites that were marked with Places That Matter plaques. The five sites are listed below along with two additional sites that have connections to local Indigenous history. We are continuing to develop the Places That Matter pages and we are continuously adding additional sites in collaboration with various communities. Please contact VHF or follow us on social media for more information and updates on the project.
“c̓əsnaʔəm, one of our Musqueam villages, existed on the stal̕əw̓ (now called the Fraser River) long before Vancouver was founded… Today, c̓əsnaʔəm has been paved over and built upon, yet it remains part of our territory, culture, and history.”
This history is told by Musqueam First Nation.
The area now known as Burrard Inlet is host to numerous Musqueam villages, camps, and transformer sites. It was connected by water ways, trails, histories, and genealogies to other villages throughout our territory. For example, trails radiated from sən̓aʔqʷ across ʔəlqsən (Point Grey) to our villages of c̓əsnaʔəm and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm on the North Arm of the stal̕əw̓ (now called the Fraser River).
The history of this place is told by the Musqueam First Nation.
Our territory is marked by sites where powerful beings, χe:l̕s, the transformers, visited on their travels. They transformed people into animals or aspects of the landscape. sɬχil̕əx (standing) is an important transformation site where χe:l̕s transformed a man to stone for his conduct and, like other transformer sites, reminds us of our teachings and the interconnectedness of our territory.
The history of this place is told by the Musqueam First Nation.
χʷay̓χʷəy̓ was once a large Musqueam village, with several longhouses, and home to hundreds of our ancestors at a time. χʷay̓χʷəy̓ is also an important spiritual site to our people. It’s from this village our ancestors received the sχʷay̓χʷəy̓ mask and teachings; a culturally sensitive hereditary cleansing right.
The history of this place is told by the Musqueam First Nation.
The area now known as Stanley Park is host to numerous important villages, transformer, and resource sites. spapəy̓əq (bent at the end) was home to Musqueam families into the early 1900s. Rose Yelton (nee Cole), Daughter of Matilda Cole (nee Pete) of Musqueam, was among the last to live in Stanley Park.
The history of this place is told by the Musqueam First Nation.
On June 13, 1886, the newly incorporated city of Vancouver burned to the ground in less than thirty minutes, and Squamish first responders were essential to the rescue efforts, which the City of Vancouver formally acknowledged in 2017. Today, an area once ravaged by the Great Fire is home to CRAB Park, which was tirelessly fought for by a community group.
“Since 1963, the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society has been meeting the needs of aboriginal people making a transition to the urban Vancouver community.” – Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre
Vancouver’s Aboriginal Friendship Centre was the second centre (after Toronto) to open in Canada, and today Friendship Centres in the Greater Vancouver Regional District serve a clientele of over 40,000 urban indigenous people. There are programs and services in health, welfare, human rights, culture, education and recreation for Indigenous people of all ages.
The video below was a virtual Heritage Lunch and Learn session hosted by VHF where speakers offer in-depth illustrated talks followed by a Q&A. These lunchtime talks bring together heritage professionals and enthusiasts alike to learn about the state of heritage and conservation projects in Vancouver today with experts in architecture and design, conservation, city planning and other related fields. The talks discuss issues, local projects and topics that are relevant to the future of Vancouver’s historic neighbourhoods, buildings and landscapes.
Rena Soutar, Manager of Decolonization, Arts & Culture at the Vancouver Park Board and Julia Hulbert, Arts & Culture Planner at the Vancouver Park Board led a conversation on the expanding relevance of heritage. This lunch-time conversation introduced how the field of heritage planning can begin to decolonize and reckon with difficult histories.
Since 2013, September 30 has been known as Orange Shirt Day – grassroots campaign that grew out of the experiences of Phyllis Webstad and the experiences of other residential school survivors who attended St. Joseph’s Mission near Williams Lake. A day to witness and honour the healing journeys of residential school survivors and their families, it also raises awareness about the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools, and provides opportunities for dialogue about the history and legacy of the residential school system the and make an ongoing commitment to the process of reconciliation. In 2021, the Government of Canada declared September 30 the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in response to Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action No. 80, calling for the creation of a statutory holiday “to honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process”. In 2023, it became a statutory holiday in BC.
It is an opportunity to learn, reflect, make connections, and take action. Here are a few ways to take reconciliACTION:
Orange Shirt Society – Reconciliation Hub
Selection of resources and ideas to help understand and plan an Orange Shirt Day, the Residential School System of Canada, and much more.
2024 Events
Orange Shirt Day at UBC
Rhythms of Resilience: Stories of Hope and Healing
Indian Residential School History & Dialogue Centre – NCTR Lunch and Learn Webinars & Film Screenings
Museum of Vancouver – TRC Day: NFB Film Screenings
MONOVA – Create and Connect: Truth and Reconciliation Day
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at the SLCC
Nahanee Creative – Indigenous Inclusions Course
In addition to the Places that Matter sites, there are a number of other locations in Vancouver that provide opportunities to learn about local Indigenous heritage and culture.
Take part in an indigenous-led walk with Talaysay Tours. Online tours are also available.
There are several free online courses that focus on Indigenous content, including Indigenous Canada (University of Alberta) and Reconciliation through Indigenous Education (University of British Columbia).
UBC and the First Nations House of Learning created the Indigenous Peoples: Language Guidelines, which is a guide that provides information on how to navigate the terminology and meanings associated with Indigenous peoples in order to produce the best – and most respectful – communication results.
VPL Indigenous Storyteller in Residence Kung Jaadee has shared this list of podcasts by Indigenous creators.
VHF has created an Indigenous Heritage Book List with selection of fiction and non-fiction books on indigenous topics and/or by indigenous authors for various age levels.
The National Film Board of Canada has a number of Indigenous-made films available for viewing, as well as films about Indigenous peoples in Canada.
The Vancouver Dialogues Project created many ways for Aboriginal and immigrant communities to gather together in dialogue and cultural sharing. Set amidst the stunning landscape of Vancouver Coast Salish traditional territory, Sharing Our Stories captures the personal reflections of some very thoughtful project partners, including Aboriginal elders and leaders, as well as public figures.
Below are a selection of materials to use as a starting point for learning about the history and cultural heritage of the local Indigenous communities, including heritage places.
Residential Schools
Truth and Reconciliation
Once you have read the Reports from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the 94 Calls to Action, you can:
Photo Credit: Rob Atkins