Behind the Steam is the only complete account of a Vancouver icon, the Gastown Steam Clock. Author Daryl Stennett lays out the humour, the pain, and the joy of ordinary people who toiled with extraordinary commitment through design errors, construction mistakes, vandalism, and accidents. Behind the Steam digs deep to reveal the story of how this clock broke rules and found fame if not fortune.
Published 2011. 128 pages. Paperback. Read reviews on Goodreads. Available for pick-up ONLY from the VHF office (3102 Main Street, Vancouver).
About the author
Daryl Stennett has written widely in business, marketing, and training. As a business systems troubleshooter and computer planning consultant, he knows how to pluck the essence out of a morass of details; getting beneath the surface to discover what is really going on. Since turning his curiosity loose on a Vancouver icon, Daryl has wormed, winnowed, sifted, and analyzed private and public records and memories to find and present how the improbable Gastown Steam Clock came to be.